
Possible Manure Plant Stirring up a Stink in Grundy County

A potential chicken manure plant in the Grundy County community of Pelham, TN, would use 300 pounds of chicken manure daily to produce biofuel that can power things like your home and vehicles. The plants are called biodigesters, and the methane is piped through natural gas pipelines.

According to a report from News Channel 9 in Chattanooga, the facility will cost millions to build, and a project owner remains unannounced.

Some residents of Pelham are fighting against the potential facility.

That includes the plant’s location, safety concerns, property management, and the possible smell.

Randy Johnson, Development Company President of Johnson Energy Solutions, says, “It will have 70 construction jobs for a year and a half, then we’ll have $25 or $30 to $65,000 a year jobs and repair in Grundy County,

An online petition against the plant has around 217 signatures at this time.

A public meeting of the chicken manure plant will be held on January 11th at the Grundy County courthouse.