
Category: Opinion

Behind the Cheer: Managing Mental Health During the Holidays

The following was submitted as a Letter to the Editor at from Terrie Johnson of Volunteer Behavioral Healthcare Services — Jasper and Dunlap Campuses… Behind the Cheer: Managing Mental Health During the Holidays The holiday season has officially begun. While this time is traditionally marked by gift-giving, festive decorations, and a spirit of unity, …

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Letter to the Editor: From Darkness to Hope: Suicide Prevention Efforts and Recognizing Those at Risk

September is recognized as Suicide Prevention Month. During this time, we turn our attention to the ongoing fight against mental illness and the causes that may lead someone to take their own life.  Suicide is most often the result of psychological, environmental, and social factors. Mental health conditions can elevate the risk.  Still, it is …

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In our Weekly Poll this week we ask, “What is a LOCAL CONCERN that you wish your city/county elected officials would better address?”

Write Us a Letter

Letters to the Editor We want your thoughts in our Opinions Section! Submit your letter to the editor with this form.  Letters selected will be posted at the Editor’s discretion, with new letters posted at least every two days. A few things to keep in mind when writing: Limit letters to 500 words or fewer. …

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