
Tag: Jackson County Sheriff’s Department

After an Investigation in Jackson County Alabama Man Sentenced to Federal Prison

After an investigation by the Jackson County Alabama Sheriff’s Office and the FBI, on January 24, 2025, James C. Thompson, 72, formerly of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, was sentenced to 20 years in prison For Transportation of a Minor In Interstate Commerce with the Intent to Engage in Sexual Activity. The sentencing occurred in the United …

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Sheriff’s Department in Jackson County Alabama Searching for Wanted Man

The Sheriff’s Department of Jackson County, Alabama, is asking for the public’s help in searching for Larry Walters, a wanted man. He is wanted for failing to respond to the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act 2 counts of Probation Revocation. If you have any valid information on the whereabouts of Larry Walters, contact JCSO …

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Jackson County Alabama Sheriff’s Office Searching for Wanted Man

The Jackson County, Alabama Sheriff’s Department is asking for the public’s help in searching for Zachary Shane White, a wanted man. He is wanted for escaping for the third time for failing to report as required. White is also wanted for Probation Revocation (sex offender registry). If you have any valid information on the whereabouts …

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DEA National Drug Takeback Day is Saturday October 26 in Scottsboro

DEA National Drug Takeback Day is Saturday, October 26, from 10 AM to 2 PM in the basement of the Scottsboro courthouse. The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs while also educating the general public about the potential for misuse of …

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Inmate on the Run in Jackson County Alabama

The Jackson County Alabama Sheriff’s office is looking for a man who escaped while returning to jail. The sheriff’s office says Truan Bobby Evans was attending a rehab session. A relative was returning him to jail when he jumped out and fled. Evans has been charged with a probation violation and escape, 3rd offense. His …

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Lookout Mountain Man Indicted for Sexual Exploitation of Children

On June 5, 2024, a federal grand jury in Knoxville returned a three-count indictment against James C. Thompson, 71, of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, for transporting minors with the intent to engage in sexual activity.  Thompson appeared in court on Friday, June 7, 2024, before the Honorable United States Magistrate Judge Christopher H. Steger and entered …

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Scottsboro Man Shot and Killed

On May 21, 2024, at approximately 7:30pm Jackson County, Alabama Sheriff’s deputies, Scottsboro Police and medical personnel responded to a 911 call about a person being shot on County Road 21 in the Pikeville, Alabama community. Tracy Thomas Bradford age 58 of Scottsboro was found deceased at the location. The investigation determined that there had …

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Fly Flags at Half-Staff on Wednesday

On Wednesday, the American flag will be flown from sunup to sundown at half-staff to honor Peace Officers Memorial Day. It is one of two days that federal law requires American flags to be lowered to half-staff. The other is Memorial Day. Peace Officers Memorial Day is held on May 15 each year. It is a …

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Skyline Alabama Police Chief Shoots and Kills Man During Domestic Incident

Skyline, AL Police Chief Kyle Shelton responded to a domestic incident on County Road 143 on Thursday afternoon. Chief Shelton was allegedly shot just inside the doorway by Charles David Boles. Chief Shelton returned fire, striking and killing Boles, according to Jackson County, Alabama Sheriff’s Office. The sheriff’s office says Chief Shelton was transported to …

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Jackson County Authorities Searching for Wanted Man

Jackson County, Alabama, authorities are looking for Charles Matthew Stone. He is wanted for a sex offender registry violation. Stone is a white male with green eyes and brown hair, 5’10”, and weighs approximately 145 lbs. His last known address was in Flat Rock, AL. If you know the whereabouts of Charles Matthew Stone, please …

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