
Write Us a Letter

Letters to the Editor

We want your thoughts in our Opinions Section!

Submit your letter to the editor with this form.  Letters selected will be posted at the Editor’s discretion, with new letters posted at least every two days.

A few things to keep in mind when writing:

  • Limit letters to 500 words or fewer. People are less likely to want to read mammoth letters; keep it brief. Longer letters will be edited to size.
  • All letters are subject to editing with a focus on grammar, spelling, and reducing redundancy.
  • Stated facts should be verifiable.
  • Letters are not guaranteed to appear on the website.
  • Personal attacks and name calling will not be published.
  • Writers are limited to one letter per calendar month.
  • Letters should be signed by the actual writer (a human being, not an organization or group).
  • does not publish thank you notes with the letters to the editor.
    Please contact our advertising department to inquire about a Card of Thanks.
  • Commemorations of the deceased are welcome, but will not be published unless the letter is of universal appeal to area readers.
  • If you are a political candidate running for public office, there are a couple extra particulars that apply, so check them out here or contact the editor before writing in.

Have something to say and aren’t sure how to go about it? Here’s an article to help get you started.