
Marion County Sheriff’s Issues Law Information about Proper Care of Pets

The Marion County Sheriff’s information concerning animal cruelty and required proper care of your pets. Per Tennessee Law, pets must have food, water, and shelter. Pets also must be provided with shade in the heat and warmth in the cold.

Present law provides that a person commits the offense of cruelty to animals, a Class A misdemeanor, if the person intentionally or knowingly fails unreasonably to provide necessary food, water, care, or shelter for an animal in the person’s custody. This bill changes the elements for the commission of the offense when it comes to a shelter by instead providing that a person commits the offense of cruelty to animals if the person intentionally or knowingly does the following:

(1) Fails unreasonably to provide necessary shelter for an animal other than a dog in the person’s custody or

(2) Fails unreasonably to provide shelter in a structure that meets the following requirements for a dog in the person’s custody:

(A) The structure is waterproof, constructed of steel, aluminum, or other sound and substantial material, sufficient to protect the dog from inclement weather, suitable for the dog’s age, breed, and physical condition, and ventilated, insulated, and of a size appropriate to allow the dog to maintain normal body temperature.

(B) The structure has dimensions that allow the dog to stand erect, sit, turn around, and lie down in a normal position while in the shelter.

(C) The structure provides a solid surface, resting platform, pad, floormat, or similar device large enough for the dog to lie on normally and sanitary.

(D) The structure prevents pain, suffering, or a significant risk to the dog’s health.

(E) The structure is appropriately shaded during hot weather, and during cold weather, it provides sufficient bedding material to protect the dog from cold and promote body heat retention.