Some New Laws in Tennessee

In just a few days, it’ll be 2025, which means new laws will take effect.

One of these laws, the ‘Protecting Children from Social Media Act,’ restricts what underage users can access and gives parents more control over their children’s accounts.

Tennessee is one of a few states implementing new laws aimed at improving children’s mental health and reducing their exposure to harmful online content.

The act will require social media companies to verify the age of individuals creating new accounts. Accounts created before the law is implemented —or before the new year—are exempt.

Another new law will further bartender training to help prevent sexual assault in alcohol settings.

Come January 1, all alcohol servers in Tennessee must be trained on the role drugs and alcohol play in sexual assault. This training must be completed every two years.

Renters will have increased transparency from their landlords upon signing rental agreements in Tennessee starting in the new year.

bill passed in 2023 states landlords must give renters the following information upon entering a lease agreement:

  • The agent authorized to managed the premises, including a third-party management company
  • An owner or a person/agent authorized to act for/on behalf of the owner
  • A phone number or email address for maintenance services or an online portal for landlord-tenant communications

According to the bill text, the information must be provided to a potential renter before they sign a lease.

Senate Bill 1919 allows those on TennCare to receive a 12-month “refill” on birth control from their health benefit plan and provides coverage for hormonal birth control.

Additionally, the bill makes it easier for those in “healthcare deserts” to get access to birth control medication by allowing them to get their medication on-site at their doctor’s office.

The law does not require a health benefit plan to cover contraceptives provided by a provider, pharmacy, or at a location authorized to dispense drugs or supplies that does not participate in the health benefit plan’s provider or pharmacy network.