
Upcoming Road Work on I-24 in Chattanooga that could affect you

If you’ll be traveling in or around the Chattanooga area over the coming weeks, you will want to be aware of some upcoming ramp closures that could impact your commute.

The upcoming closures are part of the I-24/I-75 Interchange Phase II Project, which includes replacement work for several of the ramps on I-24 approaching the split.

This will also include closure of the Moore Road and McBriend Road bridges with appropriate detours as those bridges will be affected as well in the construction.

The first closures will begin on Friday, July 14th after 9:00pm EDT:

  • CLOSE Exit 184 — I-24 EB Moore Road
  • CLOSE Exit 183A — I-24 WB – Belvoir Avenue


The second round is scheduled for July 19th and will last throughout the day.  The work will start shortly after the morning rush hour (around 9:00am EDT):

  • CLOSE Entrance Ramp I-24 WB – North Terrace between Moore Rd. and Belvoir Ave.
  • CLOSE Entrance Ramp I-24 EB – South Terrace between Belvoir Ave. and Moore Rd.
  • CLOSE Moore Road Bridge over I-24
  • CLOSE McBrien Road Bridge over I-24
  • Open Continuous Detour U-Turn between Belvoir Ave. and Spring Creek Rd.

The work is based upon the weather and conditions, and could be rescheduled for the next dry day in the event of rain.

Map courtesy TDOT / Google Maps