The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) recently announced 131 grants totaling $299,228,167 from the state’s American Rescue Plan (ARP) fund, part of which TDEC is administering in the form of drinking water, wastewater, and storm water infrastructure grants.
Marion County, in collaboration with the Town of Jasper, the Town of Kimball, and the City of South Pittsburg, will use ARP funds to address critical needs and replace aging infrastructure. Projects include connecting water lines across the county through the installation of a new 12-inch water transmission line. The new water line connections will reduce breaks and leaks and control water loss if a major break or incident with the existing line were to occur. This is a $1.7 million grant.
The Town of Monteagle will use ARP funds to develop an Asset Management Plan and address critical wastewater system needs. Repairs will be made to the sanitary sewer system in order to mitigate excessive infiltration and inflow during wet weather events. Monteagle will receive $1.1 million.
$1.6 million in grant funding goes to Sequatchie County. The ARP funds will be used to address critical needs, including aging infrastructure and water loss. Sequatchie County will replace two water tanks, reducing water loss, and make improvements to low water pressure due to the elevation of the pump station on John Henry Lewis Road.