
Category: Faith

FAITH: Even Ordinary Instances Can Relate to Christmas

Christmas came early this year. Our South Pittsburg Pirates gave us a state football championship. They worked hard. Their coaches worked hard. And the Marion County community shared in support. I know somebody is already questioning why a Christmas column would begin with such a secular comment as the first paragraph. Well, it’s like this; …

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FAITH: Enjoy the Freedoms of Being A Christian

Three of us shared a garage apartment in Atlanta. It was small and crowded. The kitchen was smaller than a closet. To defrost the refrigerator required pulling it out of the kitchen and into the so-called living room. We were fortunate to have found a place in walking distance of Emory University. There, in the …

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FAITH: Ephesians 4:26

Never let the sun go down on your anger friends. Never. Because if you do then the people that you believe are receiving your anger really have control of you. That is why I try my best to serve others, even those that have done me wrong. Does that mean that I have to live …

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FAITH: It’s Good To Have Quiet Time

I don’t know why, but kids love to visit noisy places. Loud music, lots of games, and lots of other kids. Some of us adults frequent these places, too. For some reason a lot of birthday parties are held in such places. It is usually highly efficient, good food, but mass confusion if you’re trying …

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FAITH: God’s Amazing Grace

This week I will be involved with not just one but two ladies becoming centurions. That means both will made one hundred years of age. They are sister-in-laws to boot. Both are in relatively good heath for their age and their minds are as sharp as ever. One of them is named Lois and she …

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FAITH: How to Be Wise

Not many of us will ever be as wise as a Plato or a Socrates, or a Solomon. Very few of us will ever understand the philosophies that give us a Watergate or a ghetto, or an electric chair. We do not have the wisdom to understand the economics of spending vast sums to explore …

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