
Tag: Jasper News

Motor Home Fire Causes Issues with SVEConnect

SVEConnect suffered a large fiber outage on Wednesday. Crews are working diligently to assess the situation and fix the problem. A motor home caught fire under one of our fiber lines resulting in damage. They will be rerouting our fiber traffic and are working to get fiber services restored soon. SVEConnect apologizes for the inconvenience …

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Marion County School Board Meeting Today at 5 PM

MARION COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION August Regular Meeting August 14, 2023 5:00 p.m. AGENDA I. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER II. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. APPROVE BOARD AGENDA V. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve Minutes: Regular Meeting: July10, 2023 “Special Called Meeting” July 24, 2023 B. Financial Reports and Cash Flow Analysis …

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Recent Traumas Take Toll on Blood Assurance’s Supply

In light of several recent traumas, Blood Assurance is calling on the public to roll up a sleeve and be someone’s hero. Over the last week, the community blood supply has significantly diminished. Multiple emergency room patients at area hospitals have required a considerable number of units in order to survive. As of Monday, the …

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Stormy Weekend Causes Some Issues

There were multiple areas in the tri-state that reported damage and power outages over the weekend. Road departments from various counties were out in full force, cutting up trees that were blocking roadways. Sequachee Valley Electric Co-op employees worked long hours last week due to multiple outages throughout its system. The good news; cooler weather …

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District Attorney says Action by Jasper Police Officer was Lawful in His Action

12th Judicial District Attorney General Courtney C. Lynch, who serves Marion County issued a press release on Friday concerning an incident that occurred in Jasper on August 5, 2023. Lynch says she has completed a review of the situation when Jasper Police officers placed 52 year-old Samuel Hrynecwicz of Dunlap under arrest. Lynch says they …

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Jasper Police Hold Press Conference after Citizen Video is released on Social Media

A video has been circulating social media this week over a traffic stop on August 5, 2023. Sequatchie Valley Now has obtained the actual body cam video of the entire traffic stop. Jasper Police held a press conference on Thursday to address the situation stemming from a video. The press conference was held at Jasper’s …

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Tennessee Highway Safety Office “Booze It and Lose It” Campaign begins August 16

The Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO) has announced its “Booze It and Lose It” campaign for 2023. It will run from August 16 to September 4, surrounding the Labor Day holiday. This initiative coincides with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” mobilization to increase impaired-driving enforcement nationwide. During this …

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SVEC to Add EV Fast Charging Stations in Kimball

Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative is one of 12 entities the Tennessee Department of Environment, and Conservation (TDEC) chose to receive grants for two EV fast charging stations. The stations will be located near Interstate 24 in Kimball. The 12 chosen projects will receive $5.2 million in total grant funding to install direct current fast charging …

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UTC Receives Grant to Help Advanced Practice Nurses to Better Serve Rural and Underserved Communities

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga School of Nursing has received a $2.6-million grant from the federal Health Resources and Services Administration to help prepare its advanced practice nurses to meet the needs of rural and underserved communities in the Chattanooga region. The four-year grant comes through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services …

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Pirates and Warriors Play in BlueCross BlueShield Football Jamboree in Chattanooga on Friday

The High School Jamboree Presented by BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee will be played over three nights at Finley Stadium— Thursday, August 10th; Friday, August 11th; and Saturday, August 12th — with seven quarters of action on Thursday and eight quarters on Friday and Saturday. Tickets are available at each school for $10 each night of …

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